Climate change is a major global issue that affects not only our environment, but also human rights, economies, and political stability. As individuals, it is important for us to not only be aware of the climate crisis, but also to educate ourselves on how we can contribute towards finding solutions. Thankfully, there are many free online courses available that can help us expand our knowledge on climate change and its related issues.

1) Understanding Climate Change Free Online Course:
This course, offered by the University of Exeter, provides a comprehensive overview of climate change, including its causes, impacts, and potential solutions. It also explores the social and economic factors that contribute to the problem and ways in which we can adapt to a changing climate.

2) Climate Change and Human Rights Free Online Course:
In this course, offered by the United Nations Human Rights Office, learners will understand the relationship between climate change and human rights. It covers topics such as the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities and the role of human rights in climate action.

3) Becoming a Climate Resilient SME Free Online Course:
For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), climate change can pose significant challenges. This course, offered by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), provides practical guidance on how SMEs can build resilience to climate change and its impacts.

4) Cities and Climate Change Free Online Course:
Cities are responsible for a large percentage of global emissions, but they also have the potential to be hubs of innovation and sustainability. This course, offered by the World Bank Group, explores the role of cities in addressing climate change and provides strategies for sustainable urban development.

5) Climate Change Negotiations and Health Free Online Course:
Negotiations play a crucial role in international efforts to address climate change. This course, offered by the World Health Organization (WHO), focuses on the intersection of climate change and public health and provides insight into the negotiating process.

6) Climate Change, Peace and Security Free Online Course:
Climate change can exacerbate existing conflicts and pose new security threats. In this course, offered by the Clingendael Institute, learners will understand the linkages between climate change, peace, and security and explore the role of international institutions in addressing these challenges.

7) Climate-smart soil and land management Free Online Course:
Healthy soils and sustainable land management practices are crucial for mitigating and adapting to climate change. This course, offered by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), provides guidance on how to manage soils and land in a climate-smart manner.

8) Water management for climate-smart agriculture Free Online Course:
Agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, but it also has the potential to be a part of the solution. This course, offered by the World Bank Group, focuses on sustainable water management practices for climate-smart agriculture.

9) Climate-smart crop production Free Online Course:
This course, offered by the University of Edinburgh, explores the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity and provides strategies for producing crops in a climate-smart and sustainable manner.

10) Raising Climate Ambition Free Online Course:
As individuals, businesses, and governments, we all have a role to play in tackling climate change. This course, offered by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), provides insights on how to raise climate ambition and take concrete actions to reduce emissions.

11) Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture Free Online Course:
In this course, offered by the FAO, learners will understand the impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture and explore sustainable practices for a more climate-resilient seafood industry.

12) Climate Change International Legal Regime Free Online Course:
This course, offered by the United Nations System Staff College, provides an overview of the international legal framework for addressing climate change and explores the role of various actors, including governments, businesses, and civil society.

In conclusion, with the increasing urgency to address climate change, it is crucial for individuals to educate themselves on the issue and explore ways to take action. These 12 free online courses provide a great opportunity to expand our knowledge and understanding of climate change and develop the skills needed to contribute towards a more sustainable future. So why not enroll in one (or more) of these courses and become a more informed and empowered global citizen? Together, we can make a difference in the fight against climate change.

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