Are you interested in learning more about the environment and sustainability? Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of ecology, climate change, and sustainable development? Look no further than free online courses!

With the increasing threat of climate change and the need for sustainable practices, it is more important than ever to educate ourselves on these topics. And what better way to do so than through free online courses that you can take from the comfort of your own home?

Here are 40 environment and sustainability free online courses that can make you more knowledgeable than 90% of the people:

1. Understanding Sustainability: This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the concept of sustainability and its importance in today's world.

2. Environmental Sustainability: Through this course, you will learn about the key environmental issues facing our planet and explore solutions for a more sustainable future.

3. Understanding Climate Change: With this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the science behind climate change and its impact on our planet.

4. Environmental Governance: This course will introduce you to the principles, institutions, and practices of environmental governance and how they shape our policies and decisions.

5. Environmental Management and Organizations: Learn about the different approaches to environmental management and how organizations can implement them effectively.

6. Climate Change Negotiations and Health: This course explores the links between climate change and public health and how they can be addressed through international negotiations.

7. Cities and Climate Change: Learn about the effects of climate change on urban areas and how cities can become more resilient to its impacts.

8. Sustainability in Corporations and Businesses: This course will introduce you to sustainable business practices and how corporations can incorporate sustainability into their operations.

9. Knowledge of Environmental Factors: Gain an understanding of the various environmental factors that influence our planet, including climate change, biodiversity, and pollution.

10. ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Awareness: Learn about the ISO 14001 standard and how it can be used to manage environmental impacts in organizations.

11. Global Environment Facility: This course will introduce you to the Global Environment Facility and its role in financing environmental projects around the world.

12. Organizations, Environmental Management and Innovation: Discover how organizations can innovate to become more environmentally sustainable and the role of management in this process.

13. ESG: Learn about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards and how they can be applied to promote sustainable practices in businesses.

14. Eating for the Environment: Explore the impact of our food choices on the environment and learn how to make more sustainable food choices.

15. Restoration of Environmental Quality: This course will introduce you to the principles and methods of environmental restoration, including reforestation and wetland restoration.

16. Organic Agriculture: Learn about the principles and practices of organic agriculture and how it can contribute to a more sustainable food system.

17. Cities for a Sustainable Future: Discover how cities can become more sustainable through urban planning, green energy, and sustainable transportation.

18. Sustainable Consumption and Production: This course explores the concept of sustainable consumption and production and its role in promoting sustainable development.

19. Real Water Savings in Agricultural Systems: Learn about different techniques and approaches to save water in agricultural practices and contribute to sustainable farming.

20. Climate-Smart Crop Production: Discover how climate-smart agriculture practices can help mitigate the impacts of climate change on crop production.

21. Water Management for Climate-Smart Agriculture: This course will teach you about different strategies for managing water resources in agriculture to become more climate-smart.

22. Climate-Smart Soil and Land Management: Learn how soil and land management practices can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

23. Ecosystem Restoration: Through this course, you will gain an understanding of ecosystem restoration and its importance in preserving biodiversity and ecosystem services.

24. Biodiversity Finance: Discover how biodiversity conservation is financed and the different financing mechanisms that support conservation efforts.

25. Managing Coastal Environments: This course explores the challenges and solutions for managing coastal environments in the face of climate change and other factors.

26. Portable Water Treatment: Learn about different portable water treatment techniques and how they can be used to provide access to clean water in remote areas.

27. Water for Life: This course will provide an overview of water resources, their management, and how we can ensure access to clean water for all.

28. Sustainable Agriculture: Discover the principles and practices of sustainable agriculture and how they can be applied to promote sustainable food systems.

29. Becoming a Climate Resilient SME: This course is designed for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to understand climate risks and become more resilient to its impacts.

30. Introducing Environmental Decision Making: Learn about the factors that influence environmental decision making and how different groups can work together to make informed decisions.

31. Energy and Environment: This course explores the relationship between energy production and its environmental impacts, as well as the role of renewable energy in addressing climate change.

32. Raising Climate Ambition: Discover the role of non-state actors, such as businesses and local governments, in increasing climate ambition and driving climate action.

33. Climate Change and Human Rights: Learn about the intersection of climate change and human rights and how they must be addressed together for a sustainable future.

34. Climate Change, Peace and Security: This course examines the link between climate change and peace and security and how they can be addressed through international cooperation.

35. Agriculture, Health and Environment: Understand the links between agriculture, health, and the environment and how sustainable agriculture practices can contribute to a healthier planet.

36. Environmental Engineering: Learn about the principles of environmental engineering and how it can be used to mitigate the environmental impacts of human activities.

37. Basics of Ecology: This course provides an introduction to the principles and concepts of ecology and how they can be applied to environmental issues.

38. Climate Change and Personal Responsibility: Discover how individual actions can contribute to addressing climate change and how you can make a difference in your daily life.

39. Climate Breakdown: This course explores the science behind climate change and its impacts on our planet, as well as potential solutions for a sustainable future.

40. Sustainable Development: Understand the concept of sustainable development and how it can be achieved through the integration of environmental, social, and economic factors.

In conclusion, these free online courses are a great way to increase your knowledge and understanding of environment and sustainability topics. With a wide range of courses available, you can choose the topics that interest you the most and learn at your own pace. So why not take advantage of these resources and become more knowledgeable about the pressing issues of our time?

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