Climate Change and Human Rights

Course Description


  This course addresses how human rights obligations require the international community to take more ambitious action to mitigate emissions, to support adaptation that benefits persons, groups and peoples in vulnerable situations, and to address loss and damage associated with the impacts of climate change. It demonstrates the importance of rights-based, participatory climate action, which leads to more coherent, sustainable and effective outcomes. Increased awareness and education on human rights and climate change have been identified as key variables to enhance and support effective, rights-based climate action.


Completion requirements

  This course is certified providing a certificate of completion to those who complete the course and pass the final assessment. The final assessment consists in a quiz available at the end of the course which allows you to test your knowledge. against the learning objectives of the course. Once completed with at least 70% of correct answers, you will receive a certificate of completion. You have a maximum of three attempts. Please, access your certificate under the tap “Certification” on the main course page.


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