Safeguarding Ecosystems Health

Course Description

The purpose of this training module is to promote the design of effective policies that safeguard the health of ecosystems in Asia and the Pacific. In order to achieve this, the session will build and reinforce capacities of government officials through the exploration of integrated environmental actions, ranging from approaches for action on the nexus between biodiversity, ecosystems, health and climate to joint action on ocean, freshwater and climate. The session will have a particular emphasis on the One Health approach and on ocean and climate synergies. Furthermore, the session will feature the launch of a selection of knowledge products on the biodiversity-health-climate nexus and One Health, developed by ESCAP, and including some products funded by the Government of France.


Attending the session will provide you with:

1) A comprehensive understanding of the biodiversity, ecosystems, health and climate nexus and the importance of adopting a One Health approach to address these nexus issues;

2) A comprehensive understanding of the relationship between terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and the corresponding impacts of climate change on the ocean;

3) A review of new policy briefs and the methodologies from ESCAP, which can inform the policymaking and implementation processes;

4) An introduction to methodologies to assess the impacts of climate change on the ocean, through the analysis of sea-level rise in selected cities;

5) Insights into the future of climate change and its synergies with the ocean, to help you visualize potential scenarios for your country and your local community;

6) An interactive space where you can have access to experts and policy recommendations that may be implemented/localized in your country and/or government agency.

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