Good Governance in Quality Infrastructure

Course Description


Good Governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development. Establishing and governing a Quality Infrastructure can substantially assist a nation in pursuing a development path aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), overcoming the challenges involved and benefitting from the considerable opportunities generated through achievement of the SDGs. More specifically, Good Governance of Quality Infrastructure contributes to improvements in three of the five dimensions addressed by the SDGs: prosperity, people and planet. Acting ethically contributes to sustainable business success that makes for a better world all around.


The Good Governance training programme consists of seven modules designed to support Quality Infrastructure organizations in building their governance systems and guide their daily work.

It explains the principles of Good Governance, identifies stakeholders and stakeholder strategy, and builds awareness of the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on Quality Infrastructure organizations. Further, it provides samples of tools that organizations can introduce into their governance systems.

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